
Le Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations, a pour vocation de comprendre les mécanismes qui régissent l’évolution de populations d’organismes importants pour l’agronomie, les forêts, la santé humaine ou la conservation de la biodiversité.

Dahmana H., Granjon L., Diagne C., Davoust B., Fenollar F. & Mediannikov O. 2020. Rodents as hosts of pathogens and related zoonotic disease risk. Pathogens 9 : 202. (
Csóka G., Hirka A., Mutun S., Glavendekić M., Mikó Á., Szőcs L., Paulin M., Eötvös C.B., Gáspár C., Csepelényi M., Szénási Á., Franjević M., Gninenko Y., Dautbašić M., Muzejinović O., Zúbrik M., Netoiu C., Buzatu A., Bălăcenoiu F., Jurc M., Jurc D., Bernardinelli I., Streito J.-C., Avtzis D. & Hrašovec B. 2020. Spread and potential host range of the invasive oak lace bug [Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832) – Heteroptera: Tingidae] in Eurasia. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 22 : 61-74. (
Cottin A., Penaud B., Glaszmann J.C., Yahiaoui N. & Gautier M. 2020. Simulation-based evaluation of three methods for local ancestry deconvolution of -model crop species genomes. G3 10 : 569-579. (
Chevret P., Renaud S., Helvaci Z., Ulrich R.G., Quéré J.P. & Michaux J.R. 2020. Genetic structure, ecological versatility, and skull shape differentiation in Arvicola water voles (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 58 : 1323-1334. (
Charbonnel N., Galan M., Tatard C., Loiseau A., Diagne C.A., Dalecky A., Parrinello H., Rialle S., Severac D. & Brouat C. 2020. Differential immune gene expression associated with contemporary range expansion in two invasive rodents in Senegal. Scientific Reports 10 : 18257. (
Chapuis M.-P., Raynal L., Plantamp C., Meynard C., Blondin L., Marin J.M. & Estoup A. 2020. A young age of subspecific divergence in the desert locust inferred by ABC Random Forest. Molecular Ecology 29 : 4542-4558. (
Chapuis M.-P., Raynal L., Plantamp C., Meynard C., Blondin L., Marin J.-M. & Estoup A. 2020. A young age of subspecific divergence in the Desert locust Schistocerca gregaria, inferred by ABC Random Forest. PCI Evolutionary Biology bioRxiv, 671867 ver. 4 : peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Evolutionary Biology. (
Chapuis E., Ali N., Noûs C. & Besnard G. 2020. Adaptive response to olive cultivation in a generalist parasitic nematode (Meloidogyne javanica). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 131 : 356-368. (
Catalano S., Leger E., Fall C.B., Borlase A., Diop S.D., Berger D., Webster B.L., Faye B., Diouf N.D., Rollinson D., Sene M., Bâ K. & Webster J.P. 2020. Multihost transmission of Schistosoma mansoni in Senegal, 2015-2018. Emerging Infectious Diseases 26 : 1234-1242. (
Burban C., Rocha S., Leblois R., Rossi J.-P., Sauné L., Branco M. & Kerdelhué C. 2020. From sympatry to parapatry: a rapid change in the spatial context of incipient allochronic speciation. Evolutionary Ecology 34 : 101-121. (