+33 4 30 63 04 30

Jean-Pierre ROSSI

Directeur de recherche, INRAE

Responsabilité(s) collective(s)

Dernières publications
Burban C., Rocha S., Leblois R., Rossi J.-P., Sauné L., Branco M. & Kerdelhué C. 2020. From sympatry to parapatry: a rapid change in the spatial context of incipient allochronic speciation. Evolutionary Ecology 34 : 101-121. (
Fevola C., Rossi C., Rosso F., Girardi M., Rosa R., Manica M., Delucchi L., Rocchini D., Garzon-Lopez C.X., Arnoldi D., Bianchi A., Buzan E., Charbonnel N., Collini M., Dureje L., Ecke F., Ferrari N., Fischer S., Gillingham E.L., Hornfeldt B., Kazimirova M., Konecny A., Maas M., Magnusson M., Miller A., Niemimaa J., Nordstrom A., Obiegala A., Olsson G., Pedrini P., Pialek J., Reusken C.B., Rizzolli F., Romeo C., Silaghi C., Sironen T., Stanko M., Tagliapietra V., Ulrich R.G., Vapalahti O., Voutilainen L., Wauters L., Rizzoli A., Vaheri A., Jaaskelainen A.J., Henttonen H. & Hauffe H.C. 2020. Geographical distribution of Ljungan Virus in small mammals in Europe. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 20 : 692-702. (
Giovani B., Blümel S., Lopian R., Teulon D., Bloem S., Galeano Martínez C., Beltrán Montoya C., Urias Morales C.R., Dharmapuri S., Timote V., Horn N., Chouibani M., Mezui M’Ella J.G., Herrera V., Castinel A., Goletsos C., Moeller C., Naumann I., Stancanelli G., Bronzwaer S., Tramontini S., MacDonald P., Matheson L., Anthoine G., De Jonghe K., Schenk M., Steinmöller S., Rodriguez E., Cruz M.L., Luck J., Fraser G., Brunel S., Montuori M., Fedchock C., Steel E., Pennington H.G., Day R., Rossi J.-P. & Xia J. 2020. Science diplomacy for plant health. Nature Plants 6 : 902-905. (
Godefroid M., Meurisse N., Groenen F., Kerdelhué C. & Rossi J.-P. 2020. Current and future distribution of the invasive oak processionary moth. Biological Invasions 22 : 523-534. (
Mesmin X., Chartois M., Genson G., Rossi J.-P., Cruaud A. & Rasplus J.-Y. 2020. Ooctonus vulgatus (Hymenoptera, Mymaridae), a potential biocontrol agent to reduce populations of Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera, Aphrophoridae) the main vector of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe. PeerJ 8 : e8591. (
Quéméré E., Rossi S., Petit E., Marchand P., Merlet J., Game Y., Galan M. & Gilot-Fromont E. 2020. Genetic epidemiology of the Alpine ibex reservoir of persistent and virulent brucellosis outbreak. Scientific Reports 10 : 4400. (