+33 4 30 63 04 29


Chargée de recherche, INRAE

Responsabilité(s) collective(s)

Dernières publications
Fontenille D., Cruaud A., Vial L. & Garros C. 2020. Understanding the role of arthropod vectors in the emergence and spread of plant, animal and human diseases. A chronicle of epidemics foretold in South of France. Comptes Rendus Biologies 343 : 311-344. (
Manzano-Marin A., Coeur d'acier A., Clamens A.-L., Orvain C., Cruaud C., Barbe V. & Jousselin E. 2020. Serial horizontal transfer of vitamin-biosynthetic genes enables the establishment of new nutritional symbionts in aphids' di-symbiotic systems. The ISME Journal 14 : 259-273. (
Mesmin X., Chartois M., Genson G., Rossi J.-P., Cruaud A. & Rasplus J.-Y. 2020. Ooctonus vulgatus (Hymenoptera, Mymaridae), a potential biocontrol agent to reduce populations of Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera, Aphrophoridae) the main vector of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe. PeerJ 8 : e8591. (
Rasplus J.-Y., Blaimer B.B., Brady S.G., Burks R.A., Delvare G., Fisher N., Gates M., Gauthier N., Gumovsky A.V., Hansson C., Heraty J.M., Fusu L., Nidelet S., Pereira R.A.S., Sauné L., Ubaidillah R. & Cruaud A. 2020. A first phylogenomic hypothesis for Eulophidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Journal of Natural History 54 : 597-609. (
Rouïl J., Jousselin E., Coeur d'acier A., Cruaud C. & Manzano-Marin A. 2020. The protector within: Comparative genomics of APSE phages across aphids reveals rampant recombination and diverse toxin arsenals. Genome Biology and Evolution 12 : 878-889. (