+33 4 99 62 33 21

Jean-François MARTIN

Professeur, Institut Agro Montpellier

Responsabilité(s) collective(s)

Dernières publications
Bendova B., Pialek J., Dureje L., Schmiedova L., Cizkova D., Martin J.-F. & Kreisinger J. 2020. How being synanthropic affects the gut bacteriome and mycobiome: comparison of two mouse species with contrasting ecologies. BMC Microbiology 20 : 194. (
Giovani B., Blümel S., Lopian R., Teulon D., Bloem S., Galeano Martínez C., Beltrán Montoya C., Urias Morales C.R., Dharmapuri S., Timote V., Horn N., Chouibani M., Mezui M’Ella J.G., Herrera V., Castinel A., Goletsos C., Moeller C., Naumann I., Stancanelli G., Bronzwaer S., Tramontini S., MacDonald P., Matheson L., Anthoine G., De Jonghe K., Schenk M., Steinmöller S., Rodriguez E., Cruz M.L., Luck J., Fraser G., Brunel S., Montuori M., Fedchock C., Steel E., Pennington H.G., Day R., Rossi J.-P. & Xia J. 2020. Science diplomacy for plant health. Nature Plants 6 : 902-905. (
Matějková T., Hájková P., Stopková R., Stanko M., Martin J.-F., Kreisinger J. & Stopka P. 2020. Oral and vaginal microbiota in selected field mice of the genus Apodemus: a wild population study. Scientific Reports 10 : 13246. (
Ollivier M., Kazakou E., Corbin M., Sartori K., Gooden B., Lesieur V., Thomann T., Martin J.-F. & Tixier M.-S. 2020. Trait differentiation between native and introduced populations of the invasive plant Sonchus oleraceus L. (Asteraceae). Neobiota 55 : 85-115. (
Ollivier M., Lesieur V., Raghu S. & Martin J.-F. 2020. Characterizing ecological interaction networks to support risk assessment in classical biological control of weeds. Current Opinion in Insect Science 38 : 40-47. (
Schmiedová L., Kreisinger J., Požgayová M., Honza M., Martin J.-F. & Procházka P. 2020. Gut microbiota in a host–brood parasite system: insights from common cuckoos raised by two warbler species. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 96 : fiaa143. (