+33 6 85 24 29 69

Sylvain PIRY

Ingénieur de recherche, INRAE

Responsabilité(s) collective(s)
Responsable opérationnel PT Calcul

Dernières publications
Desbiez C., Wipf-Scheibel C., Millot P., Berthier K., Girardot G., Gognalons P., Hirsch J., Moury B., Nozeran K., Piry S., Schoeny A. & Verdin E. 2020. Distribution and evolution of the major viruses infecting cucurbitaceous and solanaceous crops in the French Mediterranean area. Virus Research 286 : 198042. (
Madrières S., Tatard C., Murri S., Vulin J., Galan M., Piry S., Pulido C., Loiseau A., Artige E., Benoit L., Leménager N., Lakhdar L., Charbonnel N., Marianneau P. & Castel G. 2020. How bank vole-PUUV interactions influence the eco-evolutionary processes driving nephropathia epidemica epidemiology—an experimental and genomic approach. Pathogens 9 : 789. (
Murri S., Madrières S., Tatard C., Piry S., Benoit L., Loiseau A., Pradel J., Artige E., Audiot P., Leménager N., Lacôte S., Vulin J., Charbonnel N., Marianneau P. & Castel G. 2020. Detection and genetic characterization of Puumala Orthohantavirus S-segment in areas of France -endemic for Nephropathia Epidemica. Pathogens 9 : 721. (
Stragier C., Piry S., Loiseau A., Kane M., Sow A., Niang Y., Diallo M., Ndiaye A., Gauthier P., Borderon M., Granjon L., Brouat C. & Berthier K. 2020. Interplay between historical and current features of the cityscape in shaping the genetic structure of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) in Dakar (Senegal, West Africa). PCI Ecology bioRxiv 557066, ver 4 : peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Ecology. (
Tournayre O., Leuchtmann M., Filippi-Codaccioni O., Trillat M., Piry S., Pontier D., Charbonnel N. & Galan M. 2020. In silico and empirical evaluation of twelve metabarcoding primer sets for insectivorous diet analyses. Ecology and Evolution 10 : 6310-6332. (