+33 4 99 62 33 05

Maxime GALAN

Ingénieur de recherche, INRAE

Responsabilité(s) collective(s)

Dernières publications
Charbonnel N., Galan M., Tatard C., Loiseau A., Diagne C.A., Dalecky A., Parrinello H., Rialle S., Severac D. & Brouat C. 2020. Differential immune gene expression associated with contemporary range expansion in two invasive rodents in Senegal. Scientific Reports 10 : 18257. (
Madrières S., Tatard C., Murri S., Vulin J., Galan M., Piry S., Pulido C., Loiseau A., Artige E., Benoit L., Leménager N., Lakhdar L., Charbonnel N., Marianneau P. & Castel G. 2020. How bank vole-PUUV interactions influence the eco-evolutionary processes driving nephropathia epidemica epidemiology—an experimental and genomic approach. Pathogens 9 : 789. (
Quéméré E., Rossi S., Petit E., Marchand P., Merlet J., Game Y., Galan M. & Gilot-Fromont E. 2020. Genetic epidemiology of the Alpine ibex reservoir of persistent and virulent brucellosis outbreak. Scientific Reports 10 : 4400. (
Sow A., Seye D., Faye E., Benoit L., Galan M., Haran J. & Brévault T. 2020. Birds and bats contribute to natural regulation of the millet head miner in tree-crop agroforestry systems. Crop Protection 132 : 105127. (
Tournayre O., Leuchtmann M., Filippi-Codaccioni O., Trillat M., Piry S., Pontier D., Charbonnel N. & Galan M. 2020. In silico and empirical evaluation of twelve metabarcoding primer sets for insectivorous diet analyses. Ecology and Evolution 10 : 6310-6332. (
Villette P., Afonso E., Couval G., Levret A., Galan M., Goydadin A.-C., Cosson J.-F. & Giraudoux P. 2020. Spatio-temporal trends in richness and persistence of bacterial communities in decline-phase water vole populations. Scientific Reports 10 : 9506. (