Benoit FACON

Directeur de recherche, INRAE

Responsabilité(s) collective(s)

Dernières publications
Foucaud J., Hufbauer R., Ravigné V., Olazcuaga L., Loiseau A., Ausset A., Wang S., Zang L.-S., Leménager N., Tayeh A., Weyna A., Gneux P., Bonnet E., Dreuilhe V., Poutout B., Estoup A. & Facon B. 2020. How do invasion syndromes evolve? An experimental evolution approach using the ladybirdbug Harmonia axyridis. PCI Evolutionary Biology bioRxiv 849968 : peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Evolutionary Biology. (
Olazcuaga L., Loiseau A., Parrinello H., Paris M., Fraimout A., Guedot C., Diepenbrock L.M., Kenis M., Zhang J., Chen X., Borowiec N., Facon B., Vogt H., Price D.K., Vogel H., Prud’homme B., Estoup A. & Gautier M. 2020. A whole-genome scan for association with invasion success in the fruit fly Drosophila suzukii using contrasts of allele frequencies corrected for population structure. Molecular Biology And Evolution 37 : 2369-2385. (